NOTE: Password to enter factory settings menu is 1111
• Exhaust Contactor
– This allows the user to assign a contactor for an interlocked exhaust fan. There
is an occupied and unoccupied setting for this.
• None
• Before Airflow:
Exhaust fan will start before the airflow proving switch has been activated.
• After Airflow:
Exhaust fan will start after the airflow proving switch has proved there is airflow.
• Exhaust On Smoke
– Input that when enabled, if it receives a 120V signal from a fire system, will shut
down the supply fan and enable the exhaust contactor.
• Unit Heaters
– On/Off options for Cabinet, Drain, and Crankcase heaters.
• Trouble Input
– While connector J28 pin 3 receives 24 volts, the unit will act based on one of the
following settings:
• Unit Off
– Shuts down blower (heating/cooling will also shutdown). Bypass any timers.
• Both Off
– Turn off/lockout heating and cooling. Bypass min on/off timers.
• Heat Off
– Turns off/lockout heating.
• Cool Off
– Turns off/lockout cooling. Bypass min on/off timers.
• Set Back
– Forces unit to unoccupied state.
• Outdoor Reset
– Allows access to setting option On/Off. Below are scenarios for Outdoor Reset
- Discharge Heat Tempering: If outside air is below OA Reset Low set point, heat will discharge to
Reset Heat Discharge setting.
- Space Heat Tempering: If outside air is below OA Reset Low set point, space set point will adjust to
Reset Heat Space setting.
• Dynamic Set Point
– Below are scenarios for dynamic functionality.
- When heating: If the measured outside air temperature is below the Dynamic Heat OA set point
minus the differential set point, the space or discharge set point will increase/decrease by the offset.
- When cooling: If the measured outside air temperature is above the Dynamic Cool OA set point
minus the differential set point, the space or discharge set point will increase/decrease by the offset.
DD Wheel Size
– Direct drive wheel size selection. The wheel size selection will be utilized for CFM
monitoring. Models available are 11,13, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 16Z, 18Z, 20Z, 22Z, 25Z, 28Z.
• Dehumid Input
– Option associated with units that contain reheat. Set to Off when the unit does not
contain reheat, set to On when unit contains reheat.
• CO2 Control Config
– Monitors CO2 and will adjust dampers depending on CO2 set point.
Occpd Ovrd (Occupancy Override) Duration
– Length of override timer. If override is active, it can be
manually stopped by pressing the end override button on the HMI. The default setting is 1 hour but can be
adjusted up to 16 hours.
Limit SP (Set Point) Adjust
– This allows the user to change the current temperature set point through
the home screen. The range adjustment is 0-100 degrees. Default is 5°F. When the set point is set to 0°F,
the adjustment buttons (+/-) will not be visible.
Temp Ovrd Duration
– Length of temperature override timer.
PID Config
Sensor Offsets:
Dschrg Disp Offset
– Displays offset for discharge temp. This can be used if actual discharge
temperature is measured differently from what is being displayed.
Space Disp Offset
– Displays offset for space temperature. This can be used if actual space
temperature is measured differently from what is being displayed.
Dschrg RH Offset
– Displays offset for discharge humidity. This can be used if actual discharge
humidity is measured differently from what is being displayed.
Space RH Offset
– Displays offset for space humidity. This can be used if actual space humidity is
measured differently from what is being displayed.