NOTE: Password to enter factory settings menu is 1111
• Cool Hyst
• Intake
Intake tempering sensor must change this amount of degrees below the set point before
cooling turns off. Default is 3°F.
• Space –
Space tempering sensor must change this amount of degrees below the set point before
cooling turns off. Default is 1°F.
• Reheat Config
• Reheat Mode
RH&DP, DP, RH, Off selection. When RH/DP is selected, software will monitor both
dew point and relative humidity for reheat activation. When only DP is selected, software will monitor
dew point for reheat activation. When only RH is selected, software will monitor relative humidity for
reheat activation. When Off is selected, reheat will not be active.
• RH/DP Input Mode
When reheat mode is set to RH/DP, the user may select between DP or RH.
• Differentials
• Space
Reheat will activate if the cooling mode is set to SPACE, and the inside coil temperature
is less than the intake dew point minus the space differential. Default is 2°F.
• Discharge
Reheat will activate if the cooling mode is set to DISCHARGE, and the inside coil
temperature is less than the intake dew point minus the discharge differential. Default is 2°F.
• Reheat Hyst
• Intake
Intake RH/DP must go above the intake RH/DP set point plus intake reheat hyst before
reheat turns off.
• Space
Space RH/DP must go above the intake RH/DP set point plus intake reheat hyst before
reheat turns off.
• Dew Point Adjust
Occ and Unocc settings for dew point adjust.
This value determines what dew
point the unit will cool to before reheating occurs. If the reheat dew point adjust is set to 5°F, and the
reheat set points’ dew point is set to 50°F, the unit will cool the air to 45°F before reheating.
• Low Load
When On, if the unit is only dehumidifying and heating shuts cooling down, the unit
should not try to cool again via RH activation until there is a call for cooling from temp activation.
When Off, if the unit is only dehumidifying and heating shuts cooling down, the unit can try to cool
again via RH activation.
• Reheat Valve Model
– Valve model selection.
• Reheat Optimization
– On/Off option. When active, the condenser fan speed will be reduced when
outdoor air conditions limit reheat capacity.
• Aux Reheat
– On/Off option. Activates auxiliary heat source (gas or electric) when the unit is not
meeting heating setpoint. A ON/Off timer setting will be active when Aux Reheat is On.
• 2nd Evap Sensor
– On/Off option. When active, the evap temperature will be averaged between
the two sensors.
• Dynamic DP Config
– On/Off option. Adjusts target evaporator temperature when the space/
discharge humidity setpoint is satisfied to help reduce unit’s energy usage.
• Min Adj/Max Adj
Minimum and maximum DP adjustment range. Minimum adjustment range
default setting for Space is 5°F/Discharge is 1°F. Maximum range adjustment default setting for
Space is 10°F/Discharge is 5°F. Occ and Unocc settings are available.
• Superheat Set Point
Monitors what state the refrigerant is in as it leaves the evaporator coil. The
superheat default setting is 20°F.
• Overheat Timer
The discharge temperature must not exceed the set point for 30 minutes (default),
or the unit will shut down. When in cooling, the unit will wait for the “Comp Min Off Time” for the
compressor, then re-attempt to cool again. If the overheat stat fails again, everything will shut down
and display the fault “Overheat Stat Failure.”