Duct Static Pressure Control
Units equipped with an Electrically Controlled Motors (ECMs) or Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) driven
supply fan, the duct static pressure control option can be used to monitor duct pressure.
1. Locate where the pressure transducer is installed in the control cabinet.
2. Install the static pitot tube in a straight section of ductwork where the airflow is laminar and consistent.
3. Connect the high side tubing to the static pitot tube.
4. Route the tubing through the bottom of the unit to the high side port on the pressure transducer.
5. The low side pressure tubing will be connected to a brass port, located by the control cabinet doors.
This will be connected from the factory.
Figure 9 - Duct Static Pressure Control Details
Airflow from
Supply Fan
Pressure Transducer
Located in Control Cabinet
Low Side
Pressure Tubing
To Brass Port Located by Control
Cabinet Doors.
Static Pitot Tube
High Side
Pressure Tubing