Troubleshooting Chart - Welds
Possible Cause(s)
Corrective Action
Bead is intermittently
too thin or too thick
Ragged depressions
at edge of weld
Weld bead does not
penetrate base metal
Electrode sticks to
Electrodes sputter
and stick
1. Inconsistent travel speed
2. Output amp setting incorrect
1. Travel speed too fast
2. Arc length too short
3. Output amp setting too high
1. Inconsistent travel speed
2. Output amp setting too low
3. Electrode diameter too large
1. Arc length short
2. Amp setting low
3. Incorrect electrode
Damp electrodes
1. Carefully watch and control the width of the molten weld
2. Adjust output amp setting or change to smaller diameter
1. Watch orange molten weld puddle and control bead width
2. Practice running electrode across workpiece with welder OFF
3. Reduce output amp setting
1. Decrease and maintain constant travel speed
2. Increase output amp setting
3. Change to smaller diameter electrode
1. Lift electrode to correct arc length as soon as arc is struck
2. Increase amp setting or change to smaller diameter
3. Verify electrode is suitable for 62.5 V open circuit voltage
Use dry electrodes and store in dry location
The following method eliminates the need to disconnect the diodes
from the welder/generator wiring.
1. Use a 12 Volt battery and automotive lamp (Type 5001) to test
the diodes in the welder/generator.
2. Connect the battery and lamp as shown in Figure 10.
3. If the diodes are operating properly, the lamp illuminates
brightly when the battery polarity is correct, and goes dim when
battery polarity is reversed.
4. If there is no change in lamp brightness when polarity is
reversed, the diodes must be replaced.
For testing of rotor, stator, or field windings,
consult an authorized service center.
Lamp Off
Lamp On
Figure 10 - Diode Test Procedure