Using Your Typewriter
Setting Page Layout (WP Mode Only)
Page parameters for a text file in (he WP mode contain paper size, lop margin,
top space, l>otl<iii) space and bottom margins. They determine the page layout
including the text area. When you type the text and reach the end of the text
area on the display, the typewriter automatically insert a page break that
demands new paper.
When you insert new paper with lire
(Paper Insert)
key, the typewriter
automatically loads it until the first printing line comes to the printing
mechanism. When printing pages o f die file, the typewriter stops printing at
every page break and requires you to insert new paper after paper ejection.
Page Parameters
When you set the page parameters, the settings remain effective until you
change them. The text area where you can type the body text is automatically
determined by the page parameters you define with the PAGE key and the
number of lines for the header and footer you create.
Follow these steps to set the page layout:
Open a new o r existing file in the WP mode.
Make sure that the cursor is located on the page where you want to set the
page layout.
If you want to set a new page layout or change the current page layout(s)
in the existing file, move the cursor to the page where you want to set the
page layout.
You can set up to 15 different page layouts (including different headers
and footers) per file.