When finished with setting stop codes, master the techniques to edit or delete
the prompt messages.
Move the cursor to any position of the defined prompt message enclosed
with the stop code start symbol and the stop code end symbol.
Press the CODE + STOP keys.
The display shows the entry area with the current prompt message.
Press the COD E + C O RRECTIO N keys to delete the current prompt
message. Type a new prompt message. Press the
(R eturn) key to make
the new prompt message effective and return to the edit screen.
If you press the COD E + 2 (D ELETE) keys at this step, the typewriter
asks you whether you are going to delete the stop code start symbol,
prompt message, and stop code end symbol. If yes, press the
(R eturn)
key to delete them from the file. If no, press the ESC key to cancel the
For example, use the stop codes for addressees and addresses in letters of the
same contents. You don't need to type them for all letters. When printing, the
stop codes suspend printing and allows you to type particular addressees and
addresses. When finished with direct typing, press the CODE + 5 (Print) keys.
The typewriter resumes printing the rest of the text.