Atmospheric Single-Arm Robot
Diagnostics for the Single-Arm Robot
User’s Manual
Brooks Automation
Revision 1
Diagnostics for the Single-Arm Robot
Step-by-step instructions are given for both the Teach Pendant and EQT 32 in this sec-
tion. If you need basic how-to information for either the Teach Pendant or EQT 32,
refer to the
Smart Controller Hardware and Software User’s Manual
. The diagnostic steps
are summarized in the following table.
Table 9-2: Diagnostic Tests
Warnings and Cautions
Test 1: NVS-Ram Test on
page 9-18
Verify that NVSRAM is correctly formatted
and all required files are available.
Test 2: Galil and I/O Test
on page 9-19
Verify that the Galil motion control board
and I/O ports are functioning correctly. If
you cannot turn a servo motor on and off,
test the I/O board.
If this test fails, you will often
not be able to run any other
Test 3: Encoder Read on
page 9-21
Verify that the controller receives the correct
encoder feedback from the robot.
Make sure the robot signal
cable is securely connected.
Test 4: Limit and Home
Test on page 9-22
Test the limit and home switches.
Before you move the axes,
make sure the robot signal
cable is securely connected.
5. Amplifier Board Setup
Do not use.
Do not use. Not available on EQT
6. Amplifier Module
Do not use.
Do not use. Not available on EQT
Test 7: Servo Test on
page 9-23
Use only if Encoder Read test
Test 8: Home Test and
Set on page 9-24
Use if belt slipping is suspected or after
replacing robot parts that require detaching
All belts, pulleys, motors, and
so on are securely attached.
Test 9: R-Home Test and
Set on page 9-27
Set home flag and home offset.6.0+ firm-
ware prompts the user to save the new
home offset to the parameter file in NVS-
For earlier versions of firm-
ware, issue the SAV command
to save the new offset to the
parameter file.
Test 10: Scaling Factor
Test on page 9-28
View the absolute position as determined by
the mechanical ratio.
Test 11: Vacuum Valve
and Vacuum Sensor Test
on page 9-29
Verify the vacuum I/O and adjust the sen-
12. Robot I/Os
Verify customized external I/O.
Test 13: Scanning Test on
page 9-30
Test the laser scanner and laser sensor on
robots with a laser scanner and no speed
interlock mapping.
Do not look at the laser beam!
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