Atmospheric Single-Arm Robot
User’s Manual
Scanner Mapping
Brooks Automation
Revision 1
Scanner Mapping
For 6.0+ firmware, if Scanner support is not enabled on your system, scanner com-
mands will return a ? prompt. If this happens, contact your Brooks Automation rep-
resentative for information on enabling features.
The mapping operation consists of several steps. You run the
macro (
tion name>) by issuing the command from Terminal mode on the Teach Pendant,
EQT, or from your host system. The
macro can vary from system to system, but
the normal sequence of robot actions is as follows:
Moves to the taught position where the sensor is at the prescribed distance
from center on the T axis (T-axis Offset), the correct focal distance (R-axis Off-
set) away, and below the first slot of the cassette (Z-axis Offset).
Turns on the laser scanner.
Makes the first scan pass.
Turns off the laser scanner.
Offsets an equal and opposite distance from center on the T axis and moves Z
distance down.
Turns on the laser scanner.
Makes the second scan pass.
Turns off the laser and retracts.
During each scan pass, the laser sensor passes in front of each wafer in the cassette.
When the laser meets the edge of a wafer, the reflected signal is sensed and a change
of state occurs. Another change of state occurs when the sensor no longer “sees” the
wafer. The Z-axis coordinates for the changes of state are stored, compared, and pro-
cessed by the controller. Using the various scanning parameters, the controller deter-
mines the status of each slot and stores this information.
At this point, you can query the controller for the scan results of a specified slot or all
slots by using the RSR macro, which calls the RSS command. The slot status is given
by one digit, as follows:
0 = No wafer in slot.
1 = Wafer in slot.
2 = Wafer cross-slotted between two slots.
3 = Scanner failed to detect the wafer (error condition).
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