PC AD1200 Reference
Chapter 3, The AD1200 Register Map
, details the
programmable status and control registers on the card. Whilst
most users will use the bundled driver software and so find this
information be be unnecessary it is included to make this manual
as complete as possible, to allow you to cover every eventuality.
Chapter 4, Calibration
, shows how to perform a
calibration of the AD1200 analogue circuitry. The use of the
calibration software, the position and function of the onboard
trimmer pots and use of ancillary equipment are all described.
Calibration should be performed at regular intervals to ensure
that the AD1200 remains in specification, and that your analogue
measurements are traceable back to nationally and internationally
recognised standards.
Chapter 5, Technical Specification
, gives the
complete technical specification on the AD1200 series of cards.
The Cumulative Index
covers the complete contents of
the manual.