Product description
Bosch Rexroth AG
, MIT: ID 200, 3 842 540 399/2016-11
Memory organization MDT…-H and MDT…-L
The MDTs cannot be addressed byte by byte. For MDT../28-L and MDT../112-H, the
smallest addressable data quantity is four bytes. For MDT../2K-H, it is eight bytes.
The fixed code with MDT../28-L is a constant 5 bytes.
Number of bytes = 4 x WordNum, byte address = 4 x WordAdr
WordAdr max. = 1 Bh
Fig. 3: Memory organization MDT../112-H
Number of bytes = 4 x WordNum, where WordNum is always even
Byte address = 8 x WordAdr
WordAdr max. = F9h
Fig. 4: Memory organization MDT../2K-H
fixed code
Number of bytes = 5, no other parameters