ID 200/C-PDP web interface
Bosch Rexroth AG
, MIT: ID 200, 3 842 540 399/2016-11
the command
writes eight bytes on the MDT via RFID channel 1 from address 0:
35h 74h 33h 04h ABh 6Eh 32h 33h
the command
reads the fixed code from an MDT-L via the antenna on channel 2 (must have been
written at least once beforehand).
If an MDT-H is in the field, the command returns the UID of the MDT.
For a list of the commands, see section 7.1 “Communication via the diagnosis
interface DIAG” .
With ID 200/C-PDP versions higher than 01.01.10, the replies of an enhanced
command are shown after the page is reloaded. Move the MDT through the HF field
first of all, then press the “Send Command” link again.