Operation and Installation Guide | Appendix E: Phone Monitor Troubleshooting
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 1/10 | F01U008458-03
Appendix E: Phone Monitor
A common cause of this fault condition is failing to
program Phone/IP Number 2 or Account Number
2 while some reports are directed to Phone/IP 2
Backup reports are still made to Phone/IP Number
1. This message warns the installer that Phone/IP
Number 2 is not available if it is needed.
Other communications problems that can cause
this condition include:
Events occurring faster than the dialer can
send them, which overflows the 32 event
Programming errors such as missing phone
numbers or account codes, over 100 Trouble
reports in 24 hours, or
Other problems contacting a receiver.
Check dialing type, format selection, phone
numbers, account codes, phone line condition and
tone programming (if tone burst formats are used).
Refer to
Section 3.7 Communicator Operation
page 31 for more information.
Trouble Phone
Some troubleshooting tips for phone monitor
problems are listed below:
Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage
present across each phone line (Tip to Ring)
while the phone line is idle.
The voltage present during ringing for an
incoming call can be over 100 VAC.”
This standby telco battery voltage is typically
in the range of 30 VDC to 50 VDC, but any
voltage above 5 VDC is accepted by the
control panel.
The polarity of the voltage does not matter.
Check for other devices that might use the
phone line, such as fax machines, credit
card verifiers or PBX systems.
NFPA 72 requirements mandate a
dedicated phone line for fire reporting.
If the devices cannot be removed, ensure
they are wired so that the control panel’s
line seizure relay disconnects them when
Measure the line voltage while these
devices are in use. Ensure that it stays
above 5 V.
Check for intermittent faults in the phone
Make a test call and confirm that the line is
free of distortion and noise.
Temporarily swap Lines 1 and 2 on the
control panel and check if the problem
indication moves to the control panel’s other
phone line channel. If so, the phone line is
causing the problem rather than the line
Confirm that the fault message is PHONE
COM FAULT is often caused by failing to
program a phone number or account
number for Phone Number 2 while routing
reports to Line 1, Backup Line 2.
If only one phone number is available for
reporting, set report direction for all events
to phone 1 only.
COM FAULT can also happen if one of the
phone lines has telco battery voltage, but
does not complete a call. Make test calls to
the receiver(s) on both phone lines, listening
for the receiver ACK tone.
Ensure that two phone lines are available.
In accordance with NFPA requirements, the Auto-
test report is sent on a different phone line each
time it is sent. If only one phone line is connected
to the control panel, a COM FAULT is generated
on every other test call.