Operation and Installation Guide | 1.0
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 1/10 | F01U008458-03
Phone Line and Phone Number/IP Selection:
ensure the delivery of critical reports, the fire panel
has two phone lines and two phone numbers or IP
addresses that can be used for reporting. Reports
can be directed to one or both of two phone
numbers or IP addresses using the Report Steering
feature (refer to
Report Steering
page 65) in the control panel programming. Note
that Account Number 1 is used with Phone
Number/IP 1, and Account Number 2 is used with
Phone Number/IP 2. Except for test reports, the
control panel automatically selects the phone line
or IP address to use. If the report is not successful
after two attempts on Line 1, the control panel
automatically switches and uses Phone Line 2.
One exception is when test reports (manual or
automatic) are sent. Test reports are sent every 4
hours to 28 days. Each time a Test report is sent,
the control panel alternates phone lines. This
happens even if the monitor says the line is bad. If
the user sends two manual test reports both phone
lines can be tested. The first report uses one line
and the second uses the other line. During normal
operation, the automatic test uses a different line
each day.
Because the control panel automatically selects
which line to use, both phone lines must use the
same dialing sequences for sending reports. For
example, a line that requires a 9 to be dialed for an
outside line cannot be paired with a line that does
not require a 9.
PBX lines and ground start phone lines
do not comply with NFPA requirements
for digital communication.
While the control panel is idle, the FACP monitors
the primary and alternate telephone lines by
monitoring the line for trouble. The FACP monitors
each line every 12 seconds. When a trouble still
exists after three samples (36 seconds), the FACP
sends a trouble report and activates the yellow
trouble LED and trouble relay.
If the central station receives the
automatic test report only every other
day, this indicates that one phone line at
the protected premises is inoperative.
Correct this condition immediately,
because other critical reports can be
delayed when the communicator is trying
to send the test signal through the
inoperative phone line (once each 48
Supplemental Reporting:
While two independent
phone lines are required for UL864 Central Station
service, the FACP can be configured with one
phone line if the control panel is used only for
supplemental reporting on a local, remote station
or auxiliary system.
Connect a jumper from T1 to T2 and R1 to R2 if
the control panel is installed with only one phone
line. Refer to
Figure 2
Control panel reports can be delayed if
the dialer outputs are not connected
together on an installation where the
control panel has only one phone line
Figure 2: Supplemental Reporting
TH 1
1 - Jumper from R1 to R2
2 - Jumper from T1 to T2
3 - House phone
4 - Telco Line
1.2.8 Users
The system allows up to 16 individual users, or up
to 100 users when the D7039 is installed. A
personal identification number (PIN) the four-digit
code entered at the keypads, and an authority level
to determine which functions can be performed
(refer to
Section 5.2.1 Personal Identification
page 41) can be assigned to each user.
1.2.9 Lightning
This system is intended for installation
entirely within one building.
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV) and spark gaps
provide protection from lightning surges and static