en | Dial-Up Networking
Access Easy Controller
Ver 2.0.0 | 2006.07
Hardware Manual
Bosch Security Systems
Dial-Up Networking
The dial-up networking feature allows a controller administrator to remotely connect to a
Access Easy Controller for database management and/or monitoring purposes. Once con-
nected the adminstrator could use a browser to access the AEC as if it connected to the LAN.
The dial-up capability is implemented by connecting the Access Easy Controller's serial port to
an external modem, and then connecting the modem to a dedicated analog telephone line.
The controller's administrator can then dial into the controller from any computer that sup-
ports dial-up networking in much the same manner as is used forconnecting to a Internet Ser-
vice Provider.
Modem Guidelines
The Access Easy Controller software has been designed to be as generic as possible in the
implementation of modem support and dial-up networking. However, modems tend to have
varying characteristics and attributes from one manufacturer to the next, and often from one
model to the next within a given manufacturer.
For persons preferring to use a different modem, the set-up characteristics needed by the
modem are documented later in this chapter. Also, the pinouts of the cable needed to con-
nect the modem to the controller's serial port are documented in Appendix C of this manual.
Understand that when using a non-standard modem, Bosch security Systems and supplier
support services will be unable to provide troubleshooting and technical support for modem-
related issues.