Select ‘Devices’ tab of program ‘pprog.exe’. It can be done by two ways: manually and
from list of polling devices. To obtain the devices list press ‘Start searching’. Program detects
connected devices. Devices are added to the console database by dragging from window
‘Search’ to window ‘Devices’. To add device manually press ‘Add device’ button in the top right
corner of the ‘Devices’ window. In ‘Inspector’ window click the address line and type the
required address (the digit from 1 to 127). Click the type line and select the required value from
the available list. If it is necessary add the description that will be shown only from the
configuration program. New device will be added to the database.
To create partition it is necessary to add new partition, assign it number (from 1 to 4
digits) and to include required zones. The total number of partitions cannot be more then 511.
Optionally one can assign any text descriptor (no more 16 symbols) to zones and to partition.
To add new partition select the tab ‘Partitions’. This tab has two windows. Top window
‘Partition zones’ contains a partition’s tree with zones, the bottom window ‘Device zones’
contains the device tree with zones. Press button ‘Add partition’ in the upper right corner of the
‘Partition zones’ window. In ‘Inspector’ window click the line ‘Number’ and type the unique
number (from 1 to 4 digits). If it is necessary assign the text descriptor to the partition in
‘Description’ line (up to 16 symbols). Parameter value input is finished by pressing key ‘Enter’
on computer keyboard. Adding zones to partition is made by drug-and-drop of zones from
bottom device tree in correspondent brunch of upper partition tree. Program allows dragging
both one zone and group of zones. For group selection use left mouse button with keyboard
buttons ‘Shift’ or ‘Ctrl’. Key ‘Shift’ is used for selecting zone range but ‘Ctrl’ is used for
selective marking. If it reguires to drag all device zones into the partition one can drag the device
itself from device tree.
Zones can be assigned with the text description. Select the reguired zone in ‘Device
zones’ window and click the ‘Description’ line in ‘Inspector’ window. Enter the text string up to
16 symbols.
Partitions can be integrated into groups. There can be created up to 128 partition groups.
To create partition group it should add new group, assign it with a group number (from 1 to 4
digits) and include required partitions. Partition groups can be assigned with the text description
(up to 16 symbols). One group can contain up to 511 of partitions and a partition can member
into several groups.
Note: Group controlling takes more time then partition one especially when a partition is
included into few groups. So it is not recommended if it is not really needed.
To add new partition group select the ‘Partition groups’ tab. This tab has two windows.
Top window ‘Partition groups’ contains a partition group’s tree with partitions, the bottom
window ‘Partitions’ contains the partition list. Press button ‘Add group’ in the upper right corner
of the ‘Partition groups’ window. In ‘Inspector’ window click the line ‘Number’ and type the
unique number (from 1 to 4 digits). If it is necessary assign the text descriptor to the group in
‘Description’ line (up to 16 symbols). Parameter value input is finished by pressing key ‘Enter’
on computer keyboard. Adding partitions to the group is made by drug-and-drop of partitions
from bottom partition list in correspondent brunch of upper group tree.
Setting partition control rights and password programming
Access to partition control functions is granted to users at password entering at ‘S2000M’
console, ‘S2000-K’ keyboards or ‘S2000-KS’, or at using Touch Memory key or Proximity card
with ‘S2000-4’ or ‘S2000-2’, ‘Signal-20P SMD’ version 2.01 and above, ‘S2000-KDL’ version
1.15 and above. User gets access to partition control functions if he has corresponded control
rights for these partitions and control is permitted for controlled device, if he has rights. User’s