For example let the partition number 1200 named "Second
floor" failed arming and the message "ARM FAILED" was
displayed. To show failed zones press "TRBL" and choose the
state "ARM FAILED" by means of "
" or "
To get the list of failed zones press "ENT". The console will
show the first zone.
By means of "
" and "
" keys it can be possible to scroll all
failed zones of partition.
If zone has no name then its number will be shown formed as
“ZONE: Device address
The alarm loop or addressable
detector number.
Partition control at ‘S2000-K’ keyboards
Partition arming and disarming at ‘S2000-K’ keyboards is identical arming and disarming
at panel. See details in ‘S2000-K’ documentation.
Touch Memory and Proximity card partition control
Partition can be armed/disarmed by key Touch Memory or Proximity-card. Key (card)
have to be saved in console memory (see item, has the partition control and have not be
saved in ‘S2000-4’ key memory. At first key touch ‘S2000-4’ reader outer LED blinks shortly,
after that displays state of controlled partition: flashes if partition armed, off, if disarmed, blinks,
if wrecked, in alarm or in fire state. Each next key touch partition armed, if it was disarmed, and
disarmed, if it was in state ‘arm’, ‘fault’, ‘alarm’ or ‘fire’. Partition can be controlled at other
‘Orion’ system devices, which have port for Touch Memory or Wiegand reader: ‘S2000-2’,
‘Signal-20P SMD’ version 2.01 and above, ‘S2000-KDL’ version 1.15 and above.
Device control functions
This control functions are destined for manual remote control by loops and alarm panel
outputs (arming, disarming, alarm reset and so on). They are available by user which has control
rights ‘W/O PART CONTROL’: ‘ARM and DISARM’, ‘ARM w/o DISARM’ or ‘MAX
AUTHORITY’. In order to get access to control functions, press ‘ENT’ and input password. If
password is correct, console forms message ‘USER'S CODE ENTR’ and grants acces to control
functions. Console has parameter ‘CODE REQUIRED’ allowing acces to these functouns
without password entering. If this parameter has value ‘–’ (Off), device control functions are
accessible without password entering. To exit from control mode use button ‘CLR’. Console
exits from control mode automatically after 2 min of stopping work with console keyboard.
The most important of control functions are loop arm and disarm (arming / disarming of
single loop, group of loops and all device loops), restore from alarms and viewing zone states.
User with device control privileges can control any device or zone in the system. Also console
has some other functions: viewing of loop resistance, temperatures, levels of smoke content and
other values being measured by the alarm panel, manual control by alarm panel's outputs (relays)
and ‘S2000-ASPT’ devices, time and date changing.
Arming/disarming control of device alarm loops
Console allows arming and disarming device zones. A command of individual, group or
common arming and disarming can be given to any connected device. The single loop
arming/disarming command is designated for the given loop of the given device. The group
Second Flore
Second Flore
ZONE: 002/007
Door 1