devices, which connected to 2-Wire addressable line of ‘S2000-KDL’ devices, must be also
configured (item 2.1.4).
To customize the control by relay units ‘S2000-SP1’, indicator units ‘S2000-BI’,
keyboards ‘S2000-K’ and ‘S2000-KS’, informators ‘S2000-IT’ console have to be configured.
Also at configuration user passwords and their rights, partition and user text descriptions have to
be set. See details in the item.
If in the system ‘S2000-4’, ‘S2000-2’ or ‘S2000-KDL’ devices are used, which contain
Touch Memory keys and Proximity cards for local control by loops or by access, it is
recommended to program these keys in console and to set test description for them. Otherwise,
device event do not contain user identificator.
Connection console and devices to RS-485 interface instructions
To connect devices and console to the RS-485 interface their contacts ‘A’ and ‘B’ need to
be connected to the A and B interface lines. It is supposed that RS-485 interface use connection
of type ‘bus’ between devices, that is all devices connected through interface by one pair of
wires (A and B lines), matched at two sides by matching resistors (Figure 2). Resistor rating
value is 620 Ohm. They are set at first and at last devices in the line. In ‘Signal-20’, ‘Signal-20’
series 02, ‘Signal-20P’, ‘S2000-4’, ‘S2000-SP1’ and ‘S2000-KDL’ devices matching resistance
is set on the board and can be connected in the line by setting jumper. In ‘S2000’, ‘S2000-K’ and
‘S2000-KS’ devices matching resistance – jumper - is absent. So it is recommended for the first
and the last device in the line to set jumper (for ‘Signal-20’, ‘ Signal –20P’, ‘S2000-4’, ‘S2000-
SP1’) or resistor 620 Ohm between contacts ‘A’ and ‘B’ (for ‘S2000’, ‘S2000-K’ and ‘S2000-
KS’). At all other devices jumpers should be removed.
‘S2000M’ console can be set at any place in the RS-485 line. If it is first or last device in
the line, then between contacts ‘A’ and ‘B’ matching resistor 620 Ohm need to be set. Branches
in the line are not undesirable, because they increase reflection signal in the line. But they can be
if length of branch is short enough. Matching resistor is not setup at separate branches.
Resistance of each interface line (A or B) from console to the most remote device has to
be no more 200 Ohm. In the presence of strong external electromagnetic field it is recommended
to use winding pair. Devices and console ‘0 V’ circuits have to be connected. It is no need to
connect ‘0 V’ circuits, if console and devices connected to the one power supply.
To extend connection line length RS-485 interface repeaters with automatic area
transmission switching can be used (Figure 3). For example, ‘S2000-PI’ interface converter -
repeater with galvanic isolator allow to extend line length up to 2000 m, implement galvanic
isolation between line segments and automatically off short circuit segments of RS-485 interface.
‘0 V’ circuits of isolate segments do not connected. Also repeaters can be used to build ‘star’
configuration (Figure 4).
Each console connected through RS-485 interface device must have unique
network address. Network address saved in the nonvolatile device memory, it is default value is -
127. For each connected device unique address must be set. To do this follow sequence of
actions shown below:
a) connect one device to the console;
b) when panel detected device, set personal network address by address set command
(item Address values from 1 to 127 are valid;