BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
Page 43
Use of the control
Compressed airnet view
Operating mode
Select this operating mode,
„All released“
This operating mode releases all compressors; no more live bits are sent. The
compressors behave according to their settings for internal pressure control
and display a servicing message if necessary.
The mode is functionally similar to deactivating a compressor, but valid for all
compressors. If a bus connection still exists, the compressor data are read out
and their running time data are displayed. The compressors are displayed
grayed out.
NOTE: This operating mode can be forced by digital input 6 on the receiver
module of the compressed airnet, even if the currently active profile requires a
different operating mode. Further details on the connection of the digital input
can be found in the circuit diagram supplied with the control.
if the compressors are to
follow the specifications
of their own (subordi-
nate) controls.
„All off“
This operating mode withdraws the output release from all compressors, so
that none of the compressors produces compressed air. However, the com-
pressors are not released, live bits are still sent.
NOTE: Make sure that the settings on the compressors do not switch to inter-
nal pressure control even at low pressure. Therefore, please observe the op-
erating instructions of the subordinate compressor controls and the
This is not a safe shutdown, e.g. for servicing work! If, for example, a commu-
nication error or cable damage occurs, the compressor could still start up due
to internal pressure control. In such a case, always operate the power discon-
necting device on the compressor itself.
NOTE: This operating mode can be forced by digital input 5 on the receiver
module of the compressed airnet, even if the currently active profile requires a
different operating mode. Further details on the connection of the digital input
can be found in the circuit diagram supplied with the control.
if it is to be specified that
compressed air produc-
tion is to be subject to
certain pause periods
(e.g. on weekends).
The (Volume)"flow" operating mode is the standard operating mode. The con-
trol always selects the most suitable compressors in terms of air delivery and
switches them on. Accordingly, in case of a reduced air requirement, the most
suitable compressor in terms of air delivery is always switched off to cover the
current volume flow requirement.
If regulated compressors are present and the utilization is at the lower or upper
edge of the current air delivery range, compressors are switched on or off in
advance in order to remain as exactly in the middle of the pressure band as
possible. At the same time it is ensured that regulated compressors are pre-
vented from running close to their set minimum frequency as long as the com-
pressor constellation allows this.
NOTE: The air delivery of the compressors and their minimum permitted fre-
quency (utilization) must be parameterized correctly. For machines of the
same size, the selection is made either by operating hours or servicing hours,
depending on the setting under compressed airnet parameter "Same-size ma-
chine selection".
if energy-efficient com-
pressed air production
with the most stable
pressure possible is
if a narrow pressure
band is required for com-
pressors of different
„Flow and prio“
This operating mode corresponds to the '(Volume) flow' mode with the differ-
ence that only the compressors of the currently appropriate priority level are
taken into account in the selection.
If, for example, all compressors with priority 1 are running (and with priority 2
not yet), only compressors with priority 2 are selected, even if there is a more
suitable compressor in priority 3 in terms of air delivery. In the same way, only
priority 2 compressors would be switched off in this case, even if a more suit-
able compressor was available for switching off in priority 1.
if energy-efficient com-
pressed air production
with the most stable
pressure possible is
desired, depending on
specified priority groups.