Use of the control
Compressed airnet view
Page 46
BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
In addition to setting the operating mode, the control of the compressors can
also be determined by assigning
. Different priorities can be
assigned to all compressors in the compressed airnet. For
airtelligence pro-
vis 3
, these priorities range from 1 (highest) to 10 (lowest). During operation,
the control will always switch on the compressors of the highest priority level/
group first. If, for example, all compressors with priority 1 are running, only
compressors with priority 2 are switched on if the compressed air requirement
continues to increase, even if there is a more suitable compressor in priority 3.
Analogously, priority 2 compressors are switched off first, even if a more suit-
able compressor is available in priority group 1.
The priority of the compressors only needs to be set if the previously selected
operating mode functions according to priorities.
As a summary of the descriptions of operating modes and profiles, the profile
"flow"of "airnet 1 (Arbeitsluft)" (working air) is given as an example:
Fig. 5.8: Example profile " flow" - unfolded
In the "flow" profile, all compressors of the compressed airnet named "airnet
1" (working air) are automatically registered. The selected operating mode is
the "flow" mode according to the name of the profile (visible to the right of the
orange rectangle, which represents the freely selectable profile color). The
pressure range of the profile from 8 to 8.6 bar is set directly in the profile. The
performance data of the individual compressors must be taken into account.
Below are the priority sliding controls for each compressor, so that the priority
level could be set individually. In the "flow rate" operating mode, the sliding
controls have no function, as in this mode no priorities are taken into account.
The requirement for the most suitable compressor is based exclusively on the
optimum air delivery for the situation. If this mode were to take account of pri-
orities, this would mean for the specific example: The fixed speed compressor
C 30 has the highest priority 1, it would always be requested first. The vsd
compressors SLF 30 and C 9 LF are sensibly classified in the same priority
level 2, they are requested later than the C 30 and are more likely to be
removed from a load run if the compressed air requirement should decrease.
To the right of the sliding controls, the air delivery quantities of the compres-
sors, which have been specified in advance in the settings for each compres-
sor, are listed. The current operating hours of the compressors are displayed
to the right.
This means that all important settings have been specified in the "flow" profile
by the operating mode, such as
the compressors, coordinated with each
other in a network, control and produce compressed air.Another important cri-
terion that completes the profile must also be determined:
this profile is
valid or in which period of time in the coordination/ configuration of the profile
compressed air is produced.
For this purpose, the
time range
for the validity of the profile must be deter-
mined via the 3-point symbol (1), see figure above. After tapping / clicking the
symbol, the "Choose time range" window opens: