Basic knowledge of control
Page 24
BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
ger has any influence on their control. If there is still a connection to the com-
pressors, the operating status is still displayed via the symbols, but these are
now grayed out (see column 3 of the following table).
Tab. 4.5: Dynamic symbols - compressor activity state
Special symbols for
components - receiver
The symbol in the following table stands for a receiver and is assigned to the
component during setup. The symbol is static, i.e. it does not change.
gence provis 3
receives the displayed status of the component through the
connection via the Modbus Interface Module 2.0.
Tab. 4.6: Static symbol - receiver
State of activity
State of activity
Compressor is
switched off
Compressor is
switched off and re-
leased or disabled by
airtelligence provis
Compressor in load-
run (is used as a stat-
ic symbol in the top
right of the com-
pressed airnet view)
Compressor in load
run and released or
disabled by airtelli-
gence provis 3.
Compressor in idle-
Compressor in idle-
run and released or
disabled by airtelli-
gence provis 3.
Compressor ready for
Compressor ready for
operation and re-
leased or disabled by
airtelligence provis 3.
Compressor fault
Compressor fault and
released or disabled
by airtelligence
provis 3.
Communication error
Communication error
and released or disa-
bled by airtelligence
provis 3.