Basic knowledge of control
Navigation through the views
Page 28
BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
4.5 Navigation through the views
The user interface of
airtelligence provis 3
is designed very intuitively and
follows a logical structure. Due to the regular operation of the control unit, the
user will quickly find his way through the views. Furthermore, many menus are
Navigation structure
In order to provide a basis for orientation, the structure of the views is briefly
The initial view (after switching on the already set up control) is the
pressed airnet overview.
As the name suggests, this view provides an over-
view of all compressed airnets identified by the control (see Fig. 4.1: 1st level).
For a large number of compressed airnets (> 4), it is possible to call them up
one after the other by moving them from right to left in the top and middle area
(not in the header bar).
A sample image from the DIN view of a compressed airnet as a summary
of the user interface symbols described:
– It is a compressor.
– The compressor is in the activity/operating state "Load run" (not
released or inactive).
– The compressor is fully operational, there are no events such as warn-
ings or faults.
– The compressor is requested by
airtelligence provis 3
The ring symbols do
appear in the symbolic representation of:
– receivers (the control does not request them individually),
– compressors and equipment in the top right-hand side of the com-
pressed airnet view, as the compressor and equipment symbol collec-
tively refers to the operating ability of all compressors and, equally
collectively, of all equipment in the network. However, it only makes
sense to specify the request status using the circle symbol if the request
is for a single component.
An unchanging gray ring symbol appears when displaying other equipment.
The description of the contents in this chapter assumes that the control has
already been completely configured. Compressed airnet and their compo-
nents have been installed or are being identified.