VPN Minimal Certificate Encryption Key Security Level IT policy rule
This rule specifies the minimum security level for private keys that a BlackBerry® device uses for authentication methods that
require client certificates.
Default value
The default value is Low security. A BlackBerry device prompts the user only once for the key store password. The BlackBerry
device retrieves and stores, in unencrypted format, the private key with the VPN profile.
If you change this rule to High security, a BlackBerry device always prompts the user for the key store password when the
BlackBerry device requires access to the private key. This might happen frequently, even if the user typed the password recently.
Private keys are not stored with the VPN profile.
If you change this rule to Medium security, a BlackBerry device prompts the user for the key store password the first time only
and, from that point forward, only prompts the user again after the user resets the BlackBerry device. Private keys are cached in
memory but are not stored with the VPN profile.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.2.2
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.1 SP4
VPN NAT Keep Alive IT policy rule
This rule specifies the NAT keep-alive frequency.
Default value
The default value is 1 minute.
Specify the interval, in minutes, after which a BlackBerry® device sends a keep-alive packet to the VPN concentrator to maintain
the connection to the VPN concentrator. The permitted range is 1 to 1439 minutes.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.0 SP1
Policy Reference Guide
VPN policy group