Defining measures to protect BlackBerry devices from unauthorized use
Example IT policy rule
Example value
Extend your organization's password policy to
BlackBerry® devices. Lock the BlackBerry device
automatically, regardless of user activity.
Enable Long-Term Timeout
Prompt the user to type a password, whether the
BlackBerry device is idle or in use.
Periodic Challenge Time
60 (minutes that can elapse
before the user must type a
Lock the BlackBerry device automatically when a
user inserts it in the holster.
Force Lock When Holstered
Lock the BlackBerry device automatically after a
period of user inactivity.
Maximum Security Timeout
10 (minutes of idle time that is
permitted before the BlackBerry
device locks)
Defining the encryption strength that the BlackBerry device uses to protect
Example IT policy rule
Example value
Protect user and application data on the
BlackBerry® device.
Content Protection Strength
Protect the device transport key on a
locked BlackBerry device.
Force Content Protection of Master Key Yes
Specify the level of FIPS compliance on
the BlackBerry device.
FIPS Level
Specify the algorithms that the
BlackBerry device uses to encrypt and
decrypt PGP® messages.
PGP Allowed Content Ciphers
AES (256-bit), AES (192-bit), AES (128-
bit), and Triple DES
Specify the algorithms that the
BlackBerry device uses to encrypt and
decrypt S/MIME messages.
S/MIME Allowed Content Ciphers
AES (256-bit), AES (192-bit), AES (128-
bit), and Triple DES
Policy Reference Guide
Defining measures to protect BlackBerry devices from unauthorized use