BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2
Chalk Pushcast Player Host URL IT policy rule
This rule specifies the URL of the server (for example, https://server01.rim.net) that hosts the Chalk™ Pushcast™ Software. The
Chalk Pushcast Player uses the FQDN to connect to the Chalk Pushcast Software.
Default value
The default value is a null value.
To use the Chalk Pushcast Player, you must configure this rule if your organization is not using m.chalknetwork.com as the server
that hosts the Chalk Pushcast Software.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2
Chalk Pushcast Player Mobile Network Data Limit IT policy rule
This rule specifies the data limit (in MBs) that the Chalk™ Pushcast™ Player can use to download content from the Chalk™
Pushcast™ Software over the wireless network in a one-month period.
Default value
The default value is -1. The data limit is unlimited.
Change the value to 0 to prevent the Chalk Pushcast Player from downloading content over the wireless network.
Change the rule to a number between 1 MB and 1,048,576 MBs to allow a BlackBerry® device user to download a specific amount
of content in a one-month period (for example, if you want to limit the amount of content that a user can download from the
Chalk Pushcast Software to 200 MBs during a one-month period, type 200 for the value). You can specify any amount up to a
maximum of 1,048,576 MBs.
A user can change the value on the Chalk Pushcast Player and specify the amount of content (in MBs) that they want to download
in a one-month period even if you configure a different amount.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2
Policy Reference Guide
Chalk Pushcast policy group