Force Content Protection Of Master Keys IT policy rule
This rule specifies whether content protection for device transport keys that a BlackBerry® device stores is turned on.
Default value
The default value is No.
Content protection is designed to encrypt the device transport keys on a BlackBerry device using 256-bit AES, and to store them
in the BlackBerry device memory. To turn on content protection for device transport keys, you or a user must turn on content
protection on the BlackBerry device. You can turn on content protection on the BlackBerry device using the Content Protection
Strength IT Policy Rule.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Application Suite version 1.0
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.1
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.0 SP3
Force Device Password Entry While User Authentication is Enabled IT policy rule
This rule specifies whether a BlackBerry® device user must type the BlackBerry device password and credentials for the second-
factor authentication method to unlock the device.
Default value
The default value is No. A user is not required to type the device password when the user unlocks the device.
User authentication is a second-factor authentication method that permits a user to unlock a device when the user uses the
second-factor authentication method and the device password. For example, a smart card is a second-factor authentication
method. You can create additional authentication methods for your organization using the User Authenticator API.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software 5.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2
Policy Reference Guide
Security policy group