Restrict Chalk Pushcast Player to Wi-Fi IT policy rule
This rule specifies whether the Chalk™ Pushcast™ Player on a BlackBerry® device can download content from the Chalk™
Pushcast™ Software when the BlackBerry device is not connected to a Wi-Fi® network.
You can implement this rule so that a BlackBerry device user who does not have a wireless service plan can access the Chalk
Pushcast Software over the Wi-Fi network.
Default value
The default value is "No Restrictions". The Chalk Pushcast Player can download content from the Chalk Pushcast Software over
the Wi-Fi network or mobile network.
Change the value of this rule to "Use Wi-Fi if Capable" to permit a Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry device to download content from
the Chalk Pushcast Software only over the Wi-Fi network. A BlackBerry device that does not support Wi-Fi can download content
from the Chalk Pushcast Software over the mobile network.
Change the value of this rule to "Only use Wi-Fi" to permit only Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry devices to download content from the
Chalk Pushcast Software and to permit the Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry devices to download content only over the Wi-Fi network.
A BlackBerry device that does not support Wi-Fi cannot download any content from the Chalk Pushcast Software.
A Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry device user can change the value on the Chalk Pushcast Player. A Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry device
user can specify that the Chalk Pushcast Player can download content only over a Wi-Fi network even if you configure a different
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2
Common policy group
IT policy rules in the Common policy group apply to BlackBerry® device owner information and to MMS.
BlackBerry Server version IT policy rule
This rule specifies the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version number that the BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends to a BlackBerry
Policy Reference Guide
Common policy group