Maximum Smart Card User Authenticator Certificate Status Check Period IT policy rule
This rule specifies the maximum length of time (in minutes) that can elapse between status checks of the user authentication
certificates that a BlackBerry® device uses with smart cards. During each period, the BlackBerry device requests the status of
the certificate. If the certificate is revoked, the BlackBerry device locks and the user is unable to unlock it unless the certificate
status changes from On Hold to Good. The permitted range between status checks is 240 to 40320 minutes.
Default value
The default value is -1, which specifies no time limit.
A BlackBerry device uses this rule only if you configure the Password Required, Force Smart Card User Authentication, and Force
Smart Card Two Factor Challenge Response IT policy rules to Yes.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.5
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.1 SP5
Media Card Format on Device Wipe IT policy rule
This rule specifies whether a BlackBerry® device formats a media card when a user or administrator deletes all data on a device
Default value
The default value is Allowed.
To prevent a user from changing this setting on a device, change this rule to Required or Disallowed.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software 5.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 5.0 SP1
Message Classification IT policy rule
Policy Reference Guide
Security policy group