This rule specifies whether to prevent applications from keeping the plain text form of a content-protected object in the persistent
store on a BlackBerry® device (for example, the file system).
Default value
The default value is No. The BlackBerry device can keep the plain text form of a content-protected object in the persistent store.
Configure this rule only if you require that sensitive data does not persist in plain text form on a BlackBerry device.
To prevent any application from storing data in plain text form in the persistent store on a BlackBerry device, configure this rule
to Yes.
When you configure this rule to Yes, if an application that is installed on a BlackBerry device tries to save data to the persistent
store in plain text form, the BlackBerry device performs the following actions:
logs an exception error message in the log file on the BlackBerry device
resets the BlackBerry device and displays a Java® 576 error
removes the data that the application tries to save
If you change this rule to Yes, applications on the BlackBerry device that do not use the content protection framework
API to encrypt data might not work.
Minimum requirements
Java based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Application Suite version 1.0
BlackBerry® Connect™ version 4.0
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.0
Disable Public Photo Sharing Applications IT policy rule
This rule specifies whether to prevent a BlackBerry® device user from uploading pictures to the Internet using public photo
sharing applications.
Default value
The default value is No.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.1 SP4
BlackBerry® Application Suite version 1.0
Policy Reference Guide
Security policy group