Digital Power Meter Display, 5000-NG
Preferences Menu
Tap the menu icon on the RF Meter device selection screen to display the
Preferences menu.
Figure 15 Bird RF Meter Preferences Menu
Network Scan —
This menu option scans the WiFi network the android
device is connected to for any Bird devices connected to the same network.
Add Connection —
The menu is used to manually connect to a Bird Device
on the WiFi network the android device is connected to.
Session List —
This is a list of all session files saved from connecting to Bird
Power Sensors. Session files are automatically created and saved for each sensor
(by serial number) connected to the Bird RF Power Meter Software. For more
information see Session Files.
Help —
Displays this help documentation.
About —
Displays copyright information and software source credits.
Session Files
Session List Definitions
Session files are used to initialize the Bird RF Power Meter Software when a Bird
Power Sensor is connected. The following definitions describe the different
session files.