Programming Keys
Features and MenuCards
MenuCard “Prog. call key”
This MenuCard can be used for the quick configuration of the fea-
tures of a call key which has been programmed as a trunk key. For
further information, please refer to the section entitled
“Prog. call key” (Trunk Key)
starting on page 75.
MenuCard “Prog. team key”
This MenuCard can be used for the quick configuration of the fea-
tures of a call key which has been programmed as a team key. For
further information, please refer to
MenuCard “Prog. team key”
starting on page 77.
Programming Keys
Your system telephone provides you with several keys which you
can individually configure with destinations or functions. You will
find an overview of which keys on your telephone these are in sec-
Programmable Keys with LED Display
starting on page 21.
You need the appropriate authorisation to operate these
keys on your system telephone. Consult your system administra-
tor if your authorisation has to be changed.