Serial Port Configuration
Menu 2: Serial Port Configuration
Radius Setup:
Radius Logins are............... Disabled
Radius Secret................... HardlyASecret
Radius Login Timeout............ 5
RADIUS Server Port.............. 1812
URPC Usernames as Backup is.... Disabled
TACACS Logins are............... Disabled
TACACS Secret................... HardlyASecret
TACACS Login Timeout............ 10
TACACS Server Port is........... 49
TACACS encryption is............ Enabled
URPC Usernames as Backup is.... Disabled
TACACS encryption is............ Enabled
TACACS URPC privilege level is.. Disabled
TACACS URPC privilege level..... 15
Select 2), from the Network Configuration Menu
configures Handshaking, Baud Rate, Word Size,
Stop Bits, and Parity through either the serial or Ethernet ports using the menus. RTS and DTR Line
Drivers can only be configured through the phone line via a modem. The
default settings
9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit, RTS and DTR High
Communications with the terminal computer connected to the port will be lost until
the serial port configuration of the terminal computer matches the unit’s serial port.
|Port|Device| Device | Baud | Word | Stop |Parity|Handshake|LineDrive|
| | Type | Name | Rate | Size | Bits | | |DTR |RTS |
| 1 | RS232| EIA-RS232 | 9600 | 8 | 1 | None | None | HI | HI |
Baud Rate........................2
Word Size........................3
Stop Bits........................4
RTS Line Driver Inactive State...6
DTR Line Driver Inactive State...7
Enter Request :1
For a simple communication between modems three connected lines are needed: TX, Rx, and
Ground. For the data to be transmitted, both sides have to be clocking the data at the same baud
rate. While this method is sufficient for most applications, it is limited in being able to respond to
problems such as the receiver getting overloaded. This is where serial handshaking can help.