3 Driver Software Installation – Windows NT
3.2.3 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
If you want to add another AVM ISDN-Controller, start the
T1 Setup program in the AVM group and select the option
New (Add an ISDN-Controller). Follow the program’s in-
After successful installation, the command T1 Load loads
all the Controllers installed.
3.2.4 Removing the Driver Software
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller T1 from the Win-
dows NT 4.0 system, open the Windows NT Control Panel
(Start menu, Settings) and double-click on the Add/
Remove Programs applet. The AVM ISDN-Controller
T1 appears in the list of installed programs. Select this
entry and click on Add/Remove. The deinstallation pro-
gram starts.
First select the ISDN-Controller that you want to remove.
The program then indicates which folder contains the
driver software to be deleted. When the deinstallation is
finished, you are prompted to restart Windows NT.
To remove the ISDN-Controller from Windows NT 3.51,
start the Setup program from the installation CD. Setup
reports that an installed ISDN-Controller was detected.
Select the option “Deinstallation”, and follow the instruc-
tions displayed. (This method can also be used in Windows
NT 4.0.)
Only one ISDN-Controller is removed at a time. If you have
installed several controllers and want to remove them all,
repeat the procedure described above as many times as
necessary. You only need to restart Windows NT after the
last deinstallation.