3 Driver Software Installation
Then open the file ISDNLOAD.CFG (likewise found in the
driver software installation directory) in a text editor. Copy
and paste the entire section beginning with “[ISDN-Control-
ler-00]”, so that the section appears twice in the file.
In the new copy of the section, increase the controller
number in the section header by 1 for each successive
ISDN-Controller, then enter the desired I/O address and
interrupt level for the additional PC interface card.
Once this has been done, the second controller will also be
initialized the next time IBASE.BAT is run.
3.1.4 Removing the Driver Software
To undo the installation of the AVM ISDN-Controller T1/
T1-B for MS-DOS, first remove the driver from memory by
entering the command ibase -.
Then use the appropriate DOS commands to delete the
driver software and the installation directory. If you have
added the command ibase to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file,
you must also remove it again.
3.2 Windows NT Installation
Installation and configuration of the AVM ISDN-Control-
ler T1/T1-B are almost identical for the Windows NT
versions 3.51 and 4.0.
Specially developed Windows NT driver software is sup-
plied with the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 PCI. The applica-
tions interface COMMON-ISDN-API Version 2.0 supplied
supports both 16-bit and 32-bit applications (applications