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ing the front door, and you want to assign these cameras to trigger number 1, select trigger
number 1 from the pull down window and then set input 15 and 16 by pressing the appropriate
set buttons. To clear these inputs from these triggers, press the clear buttons.
To determine what triggers do when they are activated, Suite 16 features a cycle count and
dwell time setting. These two settings are global in that they will affect all four triggers. If you
change the cycle count or dwell time for one trigger, you will alter the features for the other
triggers. As such, you will want to give some thought into how you set cycle count and dwell
time when using more than one trigger.
Dwell time refers to the length the input is held and is adjustable from a 1 second to 60 second
time frame. Cycle count refers to the number of cycles that are repeated before the trigger is
released. Cycle count goes from one cycle to 99 cycles. As such, the shortest time interval
can be 1 second (dwell time = 1 second & cycle count = 1) all the way up to 99 minutes (dwell
time = 60 seconds & cycle count = 99). In the example previously used, with two cameras
covering the front door, when the front doorbell is pressed, trigger 1 engages. If the dwell time
is set to 3 seconds and the cycle count is set to 4, then the first camera is displayed for three
seconds, then the second camera for three seconds. This sequence will repeat three more
times and then the trigger will turn off (24 seconds total time - 3x4 + 3x4).
If trigger number two has just one camera by the front gate which is activated with an elec-
tronic eye, then when trigger number two is engaged, the gate camera will be held for a period
of 12 seconds (3 second dwell time x 4 cycles). Even though the Suite 16 is cycling, the
image for a single input on a trigger is held steady without flutter.
To set the cycle count and dwell time, use the sliders bearing in mind that these features are
global and will affect all four triggers.