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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
10 - Double-sided adhesive tape
❑ Angle piece
❑ Quantity: 2
11 - Double-sided adhesive tape
❑ Front
12 - Foil
❑ Transparent
13 - Double-sided adhesive tape
❑ Rear
14 - Double-sided adhesive tape
❑ Long, straight
❑ Quantity: 2
15 - Upper part of spoiler
❑ Assembly, refer to
⇒ “3.6.2 Spoiler, Assembling“, page 241
16 - Double-sided adhesive tape
❑ Rear
17 - Foil
❑ Transparent
18 - Double-sided adhesive tape
❑ Front
19 - Foil
❑ Ring-shaped
❑ Transparent
❑ Quantity: 5
20 - Bolt
❑ With collar
❑ Quantity: 5
❑ Insert with locking compound; locking compound, refer to electronic parts catalog.
❑ 7 Nm
21 - Left cover cap
❑ Secure with double-sided adhesive tape
22 - Bolt
❑ Quantity: 4
❑ 3 Nm
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Body Exterior - Edition 11.2010
2. Specifications