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Removing the gas-filled strut with the plastic clip
– Use commercially available needle-nose pliers to press plastic
clip -1- together as shown and remove gas-filled strut -2- from
the ball pin.
After completely removing gas-filled strut, ensure correct po‐
sition when installing.
gas-filled strut tube must be engaged on hood side.
– Press gas-filled strut onto ball stud, first at bottom and then at
Gas-Filled Strut, Releasing Gas
– Clamp gas-filled strut in a vise in area -x- = 50 mm (2 in.).
♦ Clamp only within this area, otherwise accident could oc‐
♦ Wear protective eyewear when sawing.
Cover area of sawn portion with a rag to absorb oil spraying out.
– Cut through the gas-filled strut cylinder within the first third of
the overall cylinder length using the piston rod end of the cyl‐
inder as a reference point.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Body Exterior - Edition 11.2010
2. Removal and Installation