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Hydraulic Line, Removing from Pump
O-ring seals should always be replaced after removal.
1 - Bolt
❑ 6 Nm
2 - Hydraulic line
❑ Raise hydraulic pump
out of housing.
❑ To remove, remove se‐
curing bolt -1- and re‐
move connector pieces
with hydraulic line from
pump block -4-.
❑ Before installing, slide
new O-ring seals onto
connecting pieces.
When inserting, con‐
necting pieces must lie
flush before bolts are
❑ To install, slide connect‐
ing pieces completely
into pump block and
tighten securing bolts
-1- to 6 Nm.
3 - Oil reservoir
❑ With »Min« and »Max«
❑ Oil level must be be‐
tween markings.
4 - Pump block
5 - Motor for hydraulic pump
6 - Noise Insulation
7 - Hydraulic pump housing
Oil Reservoir, Replacing
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Body Exterior - Edition 11.2010
2. Removal and Installation