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Cautions & Warnings
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© 2002 Audi of America, Inc.
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Version 1.0
When boost-charging the battery, first remove the fuses for the Engine Control Module (ECM), the
Transmission Control Module (TCM), the ABS control module, and the trip computer. In cases
where one or more of these components is not separately fused, disconnect the control module
Some of the vehicles covered by this manual are equipped with a supplemental restraint system
(SRS), that automatically deploys an airbag in the event of a frontal impact. The airbag is operated
by an explosive device. Handled improperly or without adequate safeguards, it can be accidentally
activated and cause serious personal injury. To guard against personal injury or airbag system
failure, only trained Audi Service technicians should test, disassemble or service the airbag
Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for longer than one minute, and do not exceed
16.5 volts at the battery with the boosting cables attached. Wait at least one minute before
boosting the battery a second time.
Never use a test light to conduct electrical tests of the airbag system. The system must only be
tested by trained Audi Service technicians using the VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST) or an approved
equivalent. The airbag unit must never be electrically tested while it is not installed in the vehicle.
Some aerosol tire inflators are highly flammable. Be extremely cautious when repairing a tire that
may have been inflated using an aerosol tire inflator. Keep sparks, open flame or other sources of
ignition away from the tire repair area. Inflate and deflate the tire at least four times before
breaking the bead from the rim. Completely remove the tire from the rim before attempting any
When driving or riding in an airbag-equipped vehicle, never hold test equipment in your hands or
lap while the vehicle is in motion. Objects between you and the airbag can increase the risk of
injury in an accident.
I have read and I understand these Cautions and Warnings.