Pro, DigiVu
II, DigiVu
II Micro – Operation Manual
3. Stop All
May be used to stop all resources simultaneously. (Resources may also be stopped individually from
the resource itself).
A powerful feature used along with the Copy feature to quickly replicate Resources.
5. Disable
Disables the Device Platform.
6. Upgrade Version
Device firmware may be upgraded from here.
1.8.2 Resource Menu & Tool Bar
Resource operations are available on both the Right Click menu and the Tool Bar, Figure 1-6.
Starts the associated sessions and streams created on the selected resource.
2. Preview
Displays a 5 frames/sec video window for verification of the resource presence and quality.
3. Delete
Deletes the selected Resource
4. Copy
A powerful feature used along with the Paste feature to quickly replicate Resources. Will copy all
streams created on the selected resource.
A powerful feature used along with the Copy feature to quickly replicate Streams, Sessions and
A shortcut to basic Info tab.
7. New Adaptive Session
Used to create a new Adaptive session. Multiple sessions may exist on any single Resource.
8. New SPTS Stream
Used to create SPTS streams for IPTV applications.
1.9 Copy & Paste
This section shows a few examples of copying and pasting to replicate Streams, Sessions and Publish Points in the Tree View.
Once a Resource and it’s related Sessions, Streams and Publishes are defined, the Sessions, Streams and Publishes may be
replicated any number of times in any location in the Tree View. All pasted objects represent exact images of the copied source
and will require some editing to avoid duplication within the Device. The process is the same for all Copy & Paste operations
whether Sessions, Streams or Publish Points are being copied.
Figure 1-6: Resource Right Click Menu & Tool Bar