Temperature: -30 °C to +60 °C
Relative humidity: 0 %RH to 95 %RH without condensation
Barometric pressure: 600 hPa to 1100 hPa
Dew point temperature: -60 °C to +60 °C
Temperature: ±0.4 °C
Relative humidity:
sensor accuracy: ±1.8 %RH at temperature 23 °C and
humidity range 0 %RH to 90 %RH
hysteresis: < ±1.0 %RH
non-linearity: < ±1.0 %RH
Barometric pressure: ±1.3 hPa at temperature 23 °C
Dew point temperature:
±1.5 °C at ambient temperature T < 25 °C and RH > 30 %RH.
Please see chart at
for detail information. Detail
accuracy of other humidity quantities is stated there as well.
Response time (at air flow ~1 m/s):
Temperature: t90 < 1 min for temperature step 20 °C
Relative humidity: t90 < 6 sec for a 60 %RH step at constant T
Barometric pressure: t90 < 44 sec
Temperature including dew point temperature: 0.1 °C
Relative humidity: 0.1 %RH
Barometric pressure: 1 hPa
Recommended calibration interval:
1 year
Operating and storage conditions
Operating temperature:
-30 to +60 °C (LCD display visibility -10 to +60 °C)
Operating humidity:
0 %RH to 95 %RH without condensation