Proper settings of SMTP parameters can be tested at Advanced options
menu accessible from main page. At first step need to be email and SMTP
connection properly set at settings. After that email can be tested. Return
codes are described at table below.
Last state
State of test email is unknow. It is likely that request for testing
email was not required yet.
Sending of testing email is under progress. Please wait.
Testing email was successfully sent via SMTP server. Please
check your inbox.
Error 1
DNS resolve error. Please make sure that is set proper address
for SMTP server and IP address of DNS server is correct.
Error 2
Unable to create socket. Please contact support.
Error 3
Unable to open TCP/TLS connection to SMTP server. Please
make sure that is set proper address of SMTP server and ISP
connectivity is available. Another reason can be not properly set
network parameters like a subnet mask or gateway IP.