Models of WiFi sensors
This chapter contains list of available models of WiFi sensors. Difference
between models are types of inputs and ranges of measured values. Each
measured quantity has assigned input channel. End-user cannot change
type or range of measured quantities.
Single channel compact thermometer
This model of device measures temperature
from probe which is connected to bottom part
of the device. Temperature probe is part of
shipment and may to be detached from
device body. Device should be located into
measured environment directly.
Compact thermometer-hygrometer
This model is designed to measurement of
temperature and relative humidity from probe
connected to bottom part of the device. Probe
is a part of shipment and may to be detached
from device body. It can be selected one of
the computed humidity values (dew point,
absolute humidity, specific humidity, mixing
ratio, specific enthalpy, or humidex). Device
should be located into measured environment