ASSA ABLOY Hospitality
66 8003 016-3
More about how the suite works
Check-out is made separately from each room in the suite, i.e. check-out from
the master room will not automatically check out all cards that are valid in the entire
suite. If the check-out is made from PMS, it can however be made with one
command, even if the concerned rooms must be defined separately in the PMS
Suite with foyer
Suite card
In the example described in
this section
, i.e. a foyer door with two guest rooms
behind (see
Figure C33
), the suite guest will get a suite card which gives access to
both rooms in the suite
the foyer door, which should be closed when the guest arrives
Figure C33
When the guest uses the suite card in the foyer door, the door will
send information to the thermostat in the master room, i.e. in this example 102,
that a suite card has been used in the foyer door and the thermostats should
now share the state (
). When there is movement in any
of the two guest rooms 102 or 103, the thermostat in the concerned room will
send information to the thermostat in the other room that the state is changed
send information about when the suite card will expire; after this expiration
time, the thermostats in rooms 102 and 103 will leave the suite mode.