3. Remove the brake hose from the caliper and close the
bleed screw; then remove the caliper.
4. Compress the caliper holder against the caliper (oppo-
site the O-ring side) and remove the outer brake pad;
then remove the inner brake pad.
NOTE: If brake pads are to be returned to service,
do not allow brake fluid to contaminate them.
5. Remove the caliper holder from the caliper and dis-
card the O-ring.
NOTE: The O-ring is used for shipping purposes
and provides no function in operation.
6. Cover the piston end of the housing with a shop towel;
then keeping fingers clear of piston travel, apply com-
pressed air to the fluid port to blow the piston free of
the housing. Account for two seal rings in the housing.
7. Using an appropriate seal removal tool, carefully
remove the seals from the brake caliper housing; then
remove four O-rings from the brake caliper housing
noting the location of the different sized O-rings. Dis-
card all seals, O-rings, and crush washers.
1. Clean all caliper components (except the brake pads)
with DOT 4 brake fluid. Do not wipe dry.
2. Inspect the brake pads for damage and excessive wear.
NOTE: For measuring brake pads, see Periodic
3. Inspect the brake caliper housings for scoring in the
piston bores, chipped seal ring grooves, or signs of
corrosion or discoloration.
4. Inspect the piston surface for scoring, discoloration, or
evidence of binding or galling.
5. Inspect the caliper holder for wear or bending.
1. Install new seals into the brake caliper housing and
apply a liberal amount of DOT 4 brake fluid to the
cylinder bore of the housing, seals, and brake piston.
Make sure to hold the towel firmly in place or the piston
could be ejected from the housing causing injury.
Make sure the seals are properly in place and did not
twist or roll during installation.