AP006 P46
Set an appropriate braking time on the control unit to avoid violent stops of the gate.
Move the gate to the closed position leaving sufficient space to guarantee the braking distance and safety clearance.
Place the plate (D5
) according to the click of the end of stroke microswicth (D5 ¡) and lock it on the rack through the proper dowels.
Follow the same procedure for the open end travel plate.
After the first tenth of travels there is normally a settlement of the gate/gear-motor system; for this reason the stop positions of the gate may be
found over the ones initially set. To avoid to reset the end-travel plates, we suggest, during the initial setting, to anticipate (see arrow in D6) the stop
position of the gate by placing the end travel plates about 2÷3 cm over the positions where the click of the switch is heard.
Connect the power supply and check the following:
With an opening signal, the opening end sensor must stop the gate; (if not, invert the end sensor leads).
Activate the gate and adjust the braking trimmer: the gate must be stopped in the desired position; if the gate knocks against the end stop or brakes suddenly
to reach the position, readjust the plate positions.
Repeat the tests 10÷15 times to bed the entire mechanical system checking the positioning of the gate.
If after the bedding the result is satisfactory, fix definitely the plates to the rack by tightening the dowels D5.
AP006 P47
D 5
D 6