AP006 P38
Rest the first rack section on the geared-motor pinion and move the spacers
in contact with the gate until the first hole (complete with screw and spacer)
is lined up with the vertical axis of the pinion (C19
), then fix the spacer to
the gate with a spot weld.
Release the geared-motor pinion and manually move the gate until the
second spacer is in line with the vertical axis of the pinion (C19
), the first
space must be aligned with the first reference, then fix the spacer to the gate
with a spot weld (C20).
Move the gate beyond the first rack section; fit the template (a rack section at
least 200 mm long C21
) to the rack (C21
) using a clamp (C21
), as
shown in the figure.
Move the second rack section (C21
) up to the first one and rest it on the
section acting as a template (C21
). Then rest the final part of the second
section against the geared-motor pinion, sliding the gate by hand.
Place the spacers of the second section against the gate and fix them with two
spot welds.
Carry out the operation described above for all the rack sections required,
then weld all the spacers firmly to the gate.
At this point to prevent the weight of the gate from bearing on the geared-motor
pinion, it is necessary to raise the entire rack by 1.5 mm by means of the slot
clearances in the various sections, then screw down firmly all the rack
securing screws.
C 19
C 20
C 21
Spirit level