$TL of variable parameter
Example of accumulation value : 1.234 kg
9 digit accumulation value + 3 digit unit
+ 1 . 2 3 4 k g
$AN of variable parameter
Example of accumulation count : 123 counts
9 digit accumulation count
+ 1 2 3
$CP of variable parameter
Example of HIHI result
3 digits
H I 2
Example of HI result
3 digits
H I 1
Example of OK result
2 digits
Example of LO result
3 digits
L O 1
Example of LOLO result
3 digits
L O 2
Example of "not compared"
2 digits
Printing Example for the PF Command using the AD-8127 Printer
AD-8127 format for
The PF Command
P F, ' W e i g h t ' , $ C R , $ L F, &
$ S P
4 , $ W T, $ C R , $ L F, &
' C H E C K ' $ C R , $ L F, &
$ S P
4 , $ C P, $ C R , $ L F , &
$ C R , $ L F C
Terminator code
$ C R : Carriage return, ASCII 0Dh
$ L F : Line feed, ASCII 0Ah
The UFC format does not send a terminator code automatically.
Therefore, add the terminator code at the end of text data if necessary.