Example where $LF is repeated 9 times :
$LF 9
Example where space is repeated 12 times :
$SP 12
Link mark &
If you will send more than 2 lines of data, attach & to the end of the first line. Then, the scale
decides that the data is continued.
As separators for data, a space (20h)
or comma (2Ch)
are used.
These separators can be omitted, but you cannot omit thecomma (2Ch)
after the PF
command. You must start with the PF, command.
Data format for variable parameters is used space (20h) is expressed as
Variable parameters of the scale data are replaced with the following data format :
Data is a fixed length that includes a sign and a decimal point.
The leading zeros of data are replaced with spaces (20h)
$ID of variable parameter
Example of ID number
6 digits
A B C 4 5 6
$PC of variable parameter
Example of counting number : 123 pcs
9 digit counting 3 digit unit
+ 1 2 3 P C
$WT of variable parameter
Example of the current weighing value : 1.234 kg
9 digit weighing value + 3 digit unit
+ 1 . 2 3 4 k g
$TR of variable parameters
Example of the current tare value : 1.234 kg
9 digit tare value + 3 digit unit
+ 1 . 2 3 4 k g
$PT of variable parameter
Example of the current preset tare value : 1.234 kg
9 digit preset tare value + 3 digit unit
+ 1 . 2 3 4 k g