Temperature control
Goldeye G/CL Technical Manual V4.1.1
Control of the sensor temperature
Warm-up period
After switching on the camera, the TEC stabilizes the sensor temperature at the
default setpoint, if possible. Except for TECless models, optimal image quality is
reached within one minute.
G/CL-008 models are also able to heat up the sensor to any temperature within the
operating temperature range.
The warm-up period is indicated by a red blinking temperature status LED. The
temperature state is indicated by a green temperature status LED.
Temperature stabilization and active cooling
The temperature-stabilized Goldeye models are equipped with a single-stage
thermo-electric cooling (TEC1) to keep the sensor at a stable temperature that is as
low as possible.
The specially designed Goldeye housing dissipates the heat build-up inside the
camera and radiates the heat into the environment.
The two-stage thermo-electric cooling (TEC2) allows to operate the sensor at a
temperature well below ambient temperature. This allows for keeping a higher
image quality even with longer exposure times. However, with low sensor
temperatures and a larger difference to ambient temperatures, condensation on
the sensor is likely to occur. To avoid condensation, every TEC2-cooled sensor is
placed inside a nitrogen-filled chamber. TEC2 cooling is only implemented in a Cool
In addition to temperature stabilization, Goldeye Cool cameras are equipped with
a fan to actively dissipate the heat that builds up internally. Note that the Cool
Use a heat sink to reduce camera temperature
To improve the cooling capability of the Goldeye stabilized and TECless models, a
heat sink set is available that can be mounted to the camera by the customer. Up to
four heat sinks can be fitted to one camera.
The heat sink set is available from Allied Vision under the Allied Vision order
code 1068300.
Application note: Usage of Heat Sinks with Goldeye Cameras
This application note explains the handling of heat sinks with Goldeye cameras and
lists additional methods to improve camera cooling.