Result Code
OK <value> = 0 or 1
ERROR Otherwise.
&D - DTR Behavior
This parameter determines how the modem responds when the Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
input is changed from the ON to the OFF condition during online data state.
Defined Values
<value> Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.
0 Modem ignores DTR.
1 Upon an on-to-off transition of DTR, the modem
enters online command state and issues an OK result
code; the call remains connected.
2 Upon an on-to-off transition of DTR, the modem
instructs the underlying modem to perform an orderly
clear down of the call. The disposition of any data in
the modem pending transmission to the remote
modem is controlled by the +ETBM parameter;
otherwise, this data is sent before the call is cleared,
unless the remote modem clears the call first (in
which case pending data is discarded). The modem
disconnects from the line. Automatic answer is
disabled while DTR remains off.
Result Code
OK <value> = 0 or 2
ERROR Otherwise.
&K - Flow Control
This command defines the DTE/DCE (terminal/modem) flow control mechanism.
Defined Values
<value> Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.
0 Disables flow control.
3 Enables RTS/CTS flow control. (Default for data modem modes.)
4 Enables XON/XOFF flow control.
5 Included for compatibility only and has no effect
other than returning an OK result code.
6 Included for compatibility only and has no effect
other than returning an OK result code.
Result Codes
OK <value> = 0, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
ERROR Otherwise.
&M - Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection
This command is included for compatibility only and has no effect other than returning a
result code. The only valid values are 0-3.